Alumni Association

Brotherhood Pin"Not four years, but a lifetime." - A phrase instilled in us since pledging; a phrase we once so believed in... but for many of us, the fraternity seems like a distant memory. For this reason, we have established our Alumni Chapter, which will help connect UNC Pi Lams of all generations. However, in order for us to make this possible, we need your help! Become an Active Alumnus today to help support us as we begin to expand our alumni services. We promise that every dollar you contribute will make a huge difference for our Alumni and Undergraduate Chapters.

Annual dues for the NC Omega Beta Alumni Association of Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity are $50/year (recurring), $60/year (one-time) or $5/mo.

Please become an Active Alumnus today to help support this website, our alumni database, alumni events, and much much more!

Our donation portals are secured by NationBuilder Payment Platform. The Alumni Association manages all money donated. All donations will be divided between alumni services, fraternity improvements, and other alumni ventures, as determined by the Alumni Association.

President – Jeff Forbes '16
Vice President – Thiago Araujo '11
Treasurer – Jacob Yocco '17
Secretary – Patrick White '22
Brothers at Large: 
Alex Balla '22
Wes Bordeaux '09
Stephen Brower '05
Jeremy Drawas '13
Larry Shaheen '06
Rick Stoff '69
Mo Williams '22

Sign up to be an Active Alumnus Today!


  • AA Annual

    $50/yr, recurring every year. Set it and forget it!
  • AA One Time

    $60 for just one year of dues -- For those who dislike or don't understand price breaks.
  • AA Monthly

    $5/mo for those who love micro-transactions!

Showing 9 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Lucas Oliveira
    commented 2020-12-21 15:09:08 -0500
    New AA Annual option works great, much easier. Thanks!
  • tom ozment
    commented 2020-11-14 11:09:00 -0500
    Some reactions have been hot and cold. But overall the brothers seem to realize how invaluable it is to keep those alumni connections going.
  • Jeremy Drawas
    commented 2020-11-14 00:14:14 -0500
    Hi Thomas — You don’t have to pay anything at all to be involved with the alumni association and I would be more than happy to help you with your data request to connect with other alumni.

    Alumni dues are completely optional and help us keep this site running, contribute to our endowment fund, allows us to help the undergraduates in times of need, and much more.

    I’ll shoot you over an email today to help you connect with your fellow alumni and if you (or any other alumnus) would like to reach me directly, I’m available at 919-264-9240 or [email protected]
  • Thomas Steinberg
    commented 2020-11-13 22:28:00 -0500
    If we were able to coordinate with our alum bros to attend upcoming events, the chapter would definitely benefit.

    BTW I was definitely put off by my icy reception when I visited a couple of years ago. Treated like a spy during Night of the Lion. Hell, I had to teach you guys the handshake! SHAME
  • Thomas Steinberg
    commented 2020-11-13 22:22:21 -0500
    Are you asking us to pay to reconnect with our alumni bros? SAD
  • Jeremy Drawas
    commented 2020-04-09 12:54:46 -0400
    Hey Arash — We do have a fantastic database; however, many alumni are hesitant about the data being ‘public’. With that being said, I would be more than happy to pull a custom report for you. I’ll shoot you a text right now to connect.
  • Arash Hosseini
    commented 2020-04-03 10:42:23 -0400
    Any sort of listserv or database that shows active alumni locations in the U.S.? If not, think it would be a great way for people to network and connect with brothers who live in nearby areas.
  • Ayush Makhija
    followed this page 2019-08-20 19:08:31 -0400
  • tom ozment
    commented 2014-11-30 06:17:32 -0500
    Enjoyed homecoming and recognizing Michael with Sandra in attendance.

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